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Articles for College Students and Grads

Are Private Student Loans Really That Bad?

Many people have heard warnings about private student loans, with concerns about high interest rates, difficult repayment terms and lack of protections compared to federal student loans. But are private student loans really as bad as they're made out to be?

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Grad Degrees: What to Consider

If you're thinking about an advanced college degree, the first step is considering your personal circumstances and the advantages or challenges they pose in pursuing grad school.

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Should I Refinance My Student Loans Before Graduating?

Our Reset Refinance Loan for In-School Borrowers makes it possible to refinance student loans during college, but is it the right decision for you? Here's what to consider.

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Is Grad School the Next Step for You?

As you progress through your undergraduate education, you may realize that the career you want requires an advanced or specialized degree, or perhaps your potential starting salary will be higher if you earn a graduate degree first.

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Managing Student Loan Payments While Saving

How do you plan for the unexpected, while also saving for the future, your family, or even retirement, all while paying off student loan debt?

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It's Time for Student Loan Repayment. Now What?

Student loans can seem daunting, but they don't have to take over your life! Understanding your student loans is the best way to conquer them.

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After the Award: Why Grades Matter for Financial Aid

You should know your grades will likely still matter if you want to keep your aid each year. Here's why.

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Getting a Jump on Interest

If you have some extra cash from earnings, gifts or your own savvy shopping skills, you may want to invest in your financial future by making an interest payment on your student loans.

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Decision-Making Tips for Student Loan Debt

When available financial aid and federal student loans are not enough to cover the total college costs, many families turn to private student loans.

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Beginner's Guide to Refinancing Your Student Loans

Repaying student loans can be stressful but refinancing may help make your life a bit easier. Here are three reasons refinancing may be a good choice for you.

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Contacting a Student Loan Servicer

Changing your physical address, making extra payments or wanting to consolidate your student loans are just a few reasons to contact your student loan servicer.

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Know Your Student Loan Servicer

You'll need your student loan servicer information to pay your student loans and to contact them for any customer service inquiries, among other things.

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Save Money: Make Student Loan Payments

Making interest payment on student loans can save you money over the full life of the loan. See exactly how much you could save.

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Pay Off Your Student Loans Smarter (and Faster)

Ever wonder what paying an extra $50 to $100 per month on student loans could do? Check out this example along with tips for paying off those student loans faster.

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Plan to Transfer? Tips for a Smooth Transition

The process of transferring from one college to another can be painstaking and time-consuming. These tips can help you transition more easily.

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Building Good Credit as a Student

You've likely heard you need to build good credit as a young adult. Use these tips to do just that.

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7 Tips for Summer Internships

Interning during college can help you prepare for the job market as you gain important skills and contacts. These tips will help you get started.

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Staying on Track for College Graduation

Here is what you can do, beginning with your freshman year, to increase your chances of graduating within four years.

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Before the Next Big Step: What to Do After Graduation

Undecided about your future? Here are some suggestions for what to do until you're able to take the next big step.

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7 Reasons to Seek Seasonal Employment

As you consider summer employment, you may want to look for seasonal opportunities. Working for an organization that does a large part of its business during a specific time of year can be especially suitable for college students.

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Big Money Savers for College Students

If you're looking to reduce your overall cost, and the amount you need to borrow to pay for college, here are some large-ticket items to consider.

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5 Tips for Cutting Costs

If one of your goals is to reduce expenses so you have more to save or spend on essentials, these five tips to cut costs can help, regardless of what you usually spend money on or where you shop.

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Take Necessary Steps for College Graduation

As college commencement approaches, you may be eagerly thinking about tossing that cap in the air and receiving your diploma. Don't forget to take all necessary steps before graduation day.

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Moving Checklist for College Grads

As college graduation approaches, you may be planning a move for a job or grad school. Be sure you've taken care of essential tasks with this handy checklist.

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Replacing Non-Renewable Scholarships

If fewer scholarship and grant funds will be available to you or your student next year, start planning now to make up the shortfall. Here are three ways students may replace non-renewable scholarships.

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Save Money on College Supplies

Use these tips to save money as you prepare for your first semester of college.

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5 Small Changes to Save Big

It's easy to spend a couple of dollars here and there without realizing how they add up. Before you know it, finances can be pretty tight.

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Interview Tips for On-Campus Jobs

Working on campus offers several benefits — from convenience to flexibility — for college students. In addition, you may gain valuable skills and contacts for your future career path.

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When, Where and How to Find a College Job

If you plan to earn money by working in college, you'll need to understand the first steps to finding a job. Here are the basics.

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10 Budget Tips for Spring Break

Spring break can mean fun, sun and no worries, unless you blow your budget. Use these tips to help you stay on track during break and save your money for your education.

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Dine on a Dime: 8 Budget Tips for Dining During Spring Break

Food and drinks can be among the most expensive parts of any trip, and visiting a popular destination for spring break is no different.

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3 Tips to Limit Borrowing for School

Before you apply for additional student loans, make sure you're not borrowing too much. Doing so can make repayment painful.

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15 Ideas for Making Money During Winter Break

Put your down time on winter break to good use with a part time job. Here's 15 ways to you can make money over your break.

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10 Ways to Get Fit for Free

Improving health is a common goal. And—good news—you have many options to get fit for free.

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How to Conquer Student Loans with Extra Payments

If you are able to make extra payments on your student loans, you may be able cut your repayment period in half and save money along the way.

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Understanding Loans: Supplemental Private Student Loans

What is a private student loan exactly? Learn about cosigners, interest rates, fees, and benefits, in addition to interest charges and repayment plans.

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Understanding Loans: Reduce Loan Costs

The easiest way to reduce any student loan costs is by eliminating loans completely or by borrowing a minimal amount. Here's how you can reduce your need for student loans.

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Understanding Loans: What to Know About Credit Scores

Learn the importance of credit scores and how they affect student loan interest rates. Don't forget about the impact of poor credit.

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Understanding Loans: Student Loans and Interest

Student loans are different than car loans and mortgages because the majority of student loans allow you to defer repayment while you're attending school on at least a half-time basis.

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12 Ways to Get Involved at College

If you'd like to be more involved outside of classes or if it's been hard to make connections with other students, think about trying something new.

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Working Over Spring Break

Depending on your circumstances, working during spring break, instead of taking a trip, could lead to big savings.

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7 Problems with Overborrowing

Borrowing more money than you need to for college or for non-education expenses can jeopardize your financial future and bring you stress and disappointment.

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Fixed or Variable Interest Rate: Which Is Better?

One of the first choices a family looking at a private loan needs to make may be choosing between a variable and a fixed interest rate. Which is best?

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5 Advantages to Networking During Break

The long winter break can be a great time to build connections with those currently working in your future field and explore opportunities.

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5 Advantages to Working During Breaks

If you need to build up savings for college and living expenses, think about a job during holiday and spring breaks. There are multiple advantages to working during school breaks.

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Use Your Winter Break to Research and Apply for Summer Internships

During the long break from classes, you'll probably find you have some serious free time. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. Set aside some time during the break to research internship opportunities and complete or prepare applications.

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12 New Year's Resolutions for College Students

The new year is a good time to evaluate what's been working — and what hasn't — for you during college and figure out ways to improve in the future.

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Taking a Gap Year: What to Consider

The idea of taking a semester, a year or more off from school during college can be appealing. But is it a good idea for you? There are some things to consider before you make a decision.

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